Seminars - Staff Training 2000

This year the world famous teachers and teacher trainers Mrs. SUZANNE ANTONAROS (M.A., TEFL, SAN FRANCISCO STATE UNIVERSITY, U.S.A.) and Mrs. LILIKA KOURI (M.A., ENGLISH, THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY, U.S.A.) undertook the traditional educational seminar for the staff at the European Center for Language Studies in Pirgos.

The first two weekends of September the teachers and Mrs. Miranta Merkouri had the opportunity to extract vital information and benefit from the extensive experience and knowledge of the two veteran teachers in foreign language education

The seminar was dedicated to the teaching of adult students and generally lessons at an advanced-language level. The thematic units covered referred to the methodology which should be applied in order to improve the competencies of speech and acoustic communication, student reading and writing, as well as the creative techniques which are imperative to use so as for the student to acquire autonomy and independence when using the foreign language.

The proceedings of the seminar ended with great success and impact and created the prerequisites so that the staff of Mrs. Miranta Merkouri could start the new educational year with the best omens for its students.

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