
Parent – Teacher Assembly


The European Center for Language Studies – Miranta Merkouri organized once again this year a gathering with the parents of students from Preliminary English classes. The event took place on Saturday, October 20, 2007 in our School’s Conference Room where Director, Mrs. Miranta Merkouri, along with teachers: Mss. Dimitra Roussou & Mary Tzouvelakou presented the teaching program at Preliminary level.

The presentation of the pedagogic methodology and technique followed by the school was accompanied with slides so parents could have the opportunity to comprehend the multi-stimulus approach applied during foreign language teaching and so as for them to address specific questions to the teachers.

Ανταλλαγή απόψεων κατά τη συνέλευση Συνέλευση Συνέλευση Η κ.Ρούσσου καί η κ.Μερκούρη κατα την παρουσίαση Ανταλλαγή απόψεων κατά τη συνέλευση Η κ.Ρούσσου, η κ.Τζουβελάκου και η κ.Μερκούρη κατα την παρουσίαση

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