
At Cambridge

Στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Cambridge Στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Cambridge Mr R. Johnson, Ms A.Ffrench, Mr M. Carty. Director & Top Executives - ESOL

The European Center for Language Studies in Pirgos, Ilia was amongst the ten language centers from all over Greece which were invited by the British Council and Cambridge University of England to visit Cambridge and be updated on the international examinations offered by the University and the new developments in foreign language education.

During her five-day presence in Cambridge, the School’s Director Mrs. Miranta Merkouri had the chance to follow intensive specialized educational seminars at the University, from renowned professors of the University, which included:

  1. Analytic briefing of the ESOL - CAMBRIDGE board which conducts the international examinations for the provision of diplomas in the English language at various levels
  2. Reference to the procedure of planning examinations and their fair holding
  3. Provision of information regarding the educational material available from the University for the proper learning of English language (books, pamphlets, internet sites)
  4. Capability of exchanging opinions with renowned individuals of the University regarding the organisation of the class and the teaching of a foreign language
  5. Watch modern methodology videos
  6. Tour of the heavily-guarded University premises (SYNDICATE BUILDINGS) where it holds its examinations as well as a tour of the Cambridge university area.

The whole atmosphere was quite professional and friendly and the general hospitality from the two educational boards can be considered majestic.

Mrs. Irene-Miranta Merkouri had extensive conversations with top educational and administrative figures of the Cambridge University who showed special interest in the structure of the European Center for Language Studies – Miranta Merkouri, the needs of foreign language students and the further potential of strengthening ties and cooperation with the European Center for Language Studies – Miranta Merkouri.

With this invitation, not only did the European Center for Language Studies – Miranta Merkouri deservingly represent Greece as one of the country’s best language schools but it managed to promote Pirgos, Ilias along with Athens and Salonica, as a city where high-standard foreign language education is offered. 

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